10 Benefits of Working From Home

August 27, 2014 Chloe Young

Photo: Cameron and his officemate by Sean Dreilinger (CC)

Some people would jump at the chance of working in the comfort of their own home and others would simply detest it. Back in February 2013, Yahoo put a controversial halt to that option. Yahoo’s president and CEO Marissa Mayer banned telecommuting for employees and rocked the business world in the process. What was her argument? The memo read that in order to “become the absolute best place to work”  there had to be a focus on communication and collaboration hence why they had to work “side-by-side”.

More than one year after, Mayer’s decision is still discussed in business blogs and magazines such as Money, Forbes and the like. The main point seems to be that in a globalized world, where most people have broadband internet connections at home and where so many communication tools are available at the reach of a click, it is reasonable to discuss if the traditional office is still the best possibility.

On the other hand, those against remote working use to argue that physical interaction promotes creativity and productivity. I wonder, is this true for the so-called Facebook Generation?

Of course there are pros and cons to working from home and Marissa Mayer had her reasons to defend on site working, but at Jobfluent, we are proponents of the benefits of merging your home and work environments.

10 Benefits of Working From Home

1. Make Your Own Creative Space

Working from home means you get sole responsibility over what goes where. You no longer have to look at that blank office wall imagining what you could do with it. Create a working environment that will facilitate motivation and feed your creativity. Finding a work space in your home can be achieved easily and inexpensively, all you need is a desk!

2. Fancy a Change of Scenery?

Finding a job is one of the main obstacles in the way of relocating. Working from home offers a solution. You can carry on doing what you love wherever you reside. Moving across seas doesn’t sound so daunting right?

3. Don’t Break Your Bank Balance 

Save money and time on commuting. Working from home cuts out that dreaded morning rush on the metro or stressing your time away in big traffic jams. It will save you from leaking away your money on filling up your petrol tank. Eating at home will also completely cut out expensive lunch bills. That gourmet sandwich shop was overrated anyway. 

4. No Need to Hit Snooze

Not a morning person? Well that’s not a problem when you work from home. As long as you set yourself deadlines, you can work whenever is best for you, and if that is at 12am then so be it! Set your own working hours so that it fits in with your social schedule. No longer be bound to a 9am-6pm working life.

5. Transform Your Work Wardrobe

Working from home is the only time it is acceptable to wear pijamas to work. No longer feel expected to wear a shirt and tie. Wearing more comfortable clothes will encourage creativity. Also, it won’t hurt your bank balance!

6. Office Politics? What Office Politics?

Although it is healthy to bounce off competition, sometimes office politics can become quite unhealthy. When working from home you are your own competition. Avoid any office conflict and set yourself personal challenges at home to achieve ultimate work satisfaction.

7. Less Stress

Since you can say goodbye to commuting, you can also say goodbye to high stress levels. The time you’ll be saving on working from home means you’ll have more time to do what you enjoy. You can go for that run you  couldn’t squeeze in before! And with eating lunch at home, you’ll find yourself living a much healthier lifestyle.

8. Get The Most Out of Your Working Day

As long as you have defined a working environment in your home, working from home will reduce interruptions. Working in a quieter environment will have a positive effect on productivity.  Maintain focus on personal work goals and break through those deadlines.

9. Be Your Own Boss

Need time off for a last minute trip? Want to spend time with your family? Go for it! Working from home means you are your own boss. As well as all the other ear pricking benefits mentioned, you can decide exactly when you need time off. Instead of feeling immense pressure of working under someone else, work to your own convenience and reap all the benefits when you reach your goals.

10. Family Care

Last but not least, remote working can be a good solution for parents who want to continue with their careers but also need to take care of their kids.



Post updated by Magda Torres