Startup Genome Rank the World’s Top Startup Environments

November 21, 2012 Katherine Stott

startup genomeThe Startup Genome recently released part of their report detailing the world’s top startup environments, and ranking the world’s top 20. Usually dominated by Silicon Valley and cities within the United States, the trend is starting to show signs of change, with four of the top 20 startup environments being located in Europe.

How Are These Statistics Measured?

Startup Compass is a benchmarking tool that was created and developed by Bjoern Herrmann, Max Marmer, and Ertan Dogrultan; three young, smart entrepreneurs who were looking to create a way of measuring what it is that makes startups successful. They’ve put together data on more than 50,000 startups worldwide, as well as over 50 quality interviews with influential, young, business-savvy people and the investors that get startups on the road.

When gauging which startups fit the bill and end up in the top 20 rankings, a number of variables were considered:
• Startup Output
• Funding
• Company Performance
• Talent
• Support Infrastructure
• Entrepreneurial Mindset
• Trendsetting Tendencies
• Ecosystem Differentiation

View the final results for each category here. The report offers startups an opportunity to see where they can improve and how their current standings are measured against others. Here are the top 20 startups ranked as according to the Startup Compass tool (bear in mind these don’t really include Asian countries as there hasn’t been available data to measure them with).

1. Silicon Valley
2. Tel Aviv
3. Los Angeles
4. Seattle
5. New York City
6. Boston
7. London
8. Toronto
9. Vancouver
10. Chicago
11. Paris
12. Sydney
13. Sao Paulo
14. Moscow
15. Berlin
16. Waterloo (Canada)
17. Singapore
18. Melbourne
19. Bangalore
20. Santiago

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