Find Your Dream Job at The JobFluent BCN Startup Job Fair

May 14, 2014 Magda


We are just ONE week away from the Barcelona Startup Job Fair!

Next Wednesday, May 21st at the Facultat d’Economia i Empresa, Universitat de Barcelona – we will all be enjoying nice cold beers while networking, handing out CV’s and exchanging contact information with some of the most innovative european and international tech startups in the area.

At JobFluent, we’re taking care of the finishing touches and making sure all will go flawless on the event.

As in the previous editions of the fair, we are expecting to provide a great atmosphere for jobseekers to find their dream jobs. It’s not everyday that you have so many teams and hiring managers willing to hear you out!

This opportunity is made possible thanks to the support of our incredible sponsors: Barcelona Activa, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona IO, Bits and Moritz (that will provide free beer for all the attendants!)

Have you applied yet? What are you waiting for? It’s free!
