Barcelona Startup Fair a Smashing Success

November 14, 2012 Katherine Stott

Barcelona Startup FairDespite the negative press emanating from Spain, Barcelona is a thriving enterprise for start ups within the tech industry. A small group of technically-minded folk have gathered together to build something from their collective skills and knowledge base and it appears to be something quite promising.

Barcelona Startup FairA recent event held in Barcelona at the Old Factory of Estrella Damm – local beer producer – brought all types of tech-junkies together to highlight the amount of business running through the city within their niche, and to also place emphasis on the 80 or so jobs that it’s created. +30 companies came together to bring this event to life: Barcelona Startup Fair: Recruitment and Beer. Even if you’re not interested in recruitment, startups or Barcelona, the beer part certainly makes it sound pretty fascinating.

Barcelona Startup FairHosted by Jobfluent (that’s us) and, the event brought close to 400 tech-savvy people together, as well as 30+ companies (see list below) who are either directly involved in the industry in Barcelona or operate out of the city. It was a free event, thanks to the very generous sponsors, and  focussed on work that is available primarily for designers, developers and other similar roles within Internet based companies. The idea was to introduce the skilled players to the startups and see how the one could help the other. What evolved was a fantastic, fun opportunity for all involved to network and uncover the amazing opportunities that lie within the tech industry in Barcelona. And of course there was beer.
Barcelona Startup Fair
The night unfolded in the following way:

  • The welcome took place
  • The Tuenti Journey by Tomasz Matuszczyk (Barcelona Engineering Manager @Tuenti)
  • The European Pirate Summit – talking about how to be a startup pirate
  • Then there was loads of catching up between talent and companies

Here are some snaps from the event and the (awesome) after party where our sponsors showed us what they’re made of!Barcelona Startup Fair

Barcelona Startup FairIt’s quite clear that the event was a resounding success and one could be sure to say that some strong and potentially prosperous relationships have been forged from Barcelona Startup Fair: Recruitment and Beer.

Watch this space for more events coming up in the near future! Were you at the event? Let us know about your experiences…



Catchoom ChangeYourFlight

Fever Inc
Migoa Mobile Jazz
Nomadica Inc. Nuroa Oblong Industries Ofertia
Offset Options
RobotMedia Siine
SocialPoint Teambox Trovit Tuenti
Yuilop Zyncro