9 most wanted technical profiles by Startups and their functions

July 03, 2015 Sara González

Are you an Engineer? Are you interested in Startups?

Do you know you might be missing out a lot of interesting job opportunities because some job offers are poorly written?

At JobsBCN we want to help you. Following you will find a list of the most wanted profiles by Startups. By knowing this information, you will be able to better match your profile with the open positions. In addition, if you are an engineer, you will better identify job offers according to your skills.

Although within technical environments web development and software trends are constantly evolving, three profiles have been positioning themselves as the most sought after by startups nowadays.

Backend developers take first place with 21% of job offers in the technical profiles category, followed by Frontend Developers with 19%, and finally Fullstack Developers in third place complete the podium with 18%.

IT job offers

But, what is that makes these three profiles the most requested?

Basically Frontend and Backend developers necessarily depend on each other in Web Development whereas a Fullstack developer supersede the other two. But to get to know more about these and the rest of profiles required for Startups, here we give a brief description of each role and its functions.

1) Backend Developer: In charge of designing the “unseen part” of the web or video game, they develop the server-side and build the databases. Uses technologies such as PHP, Python, Java, C#, Redis, Symphony, Ruby on Rails, Postgresql, MySQL, etc.

2) Frontend Developer: Dedicated to develop the part of the website that users see and interact with. In other words, the Frontend developer is responsible to put a facade on the Backend work. The most demanded developers are the ones who dominate the underlying technology but are also able to design web interfaces. They should master languages like HTML, CSS y Javascript, etc., and they use technologies like react.js, jQuery, angular.js, scriptaculous, among others.

3) Fullstack Developer: Fullstack Developers offer the full package. An extensive experience has given them the ability to make the work of a Backend, Frontend, and sometimes even DevOps, all in the same person; therefore they have a knowledge of the underlying technologies used by those profiles.

4) Mobile Developer: Is responsible for development of native mobile applications. Uses programming languages like Objective-C/Swing (iOS), Java (Android), HTML5, etc.

5) DevOps: This role has  superseded the System Administrator (sysAdmin) who was responsible for the proper operation of the technological infrastructure of the startup. The devOps is the same as a sysAdmin plus a bit of development to automate tasks.

6) Data Engineer: On one hand, they are related with the Data Science professionals, who are the ones who extract data from unstructured sources. Those profiles have a high analysis abilities, so they might hold a degree in computer science, but can also be mathematicians or physicists. On the other hand, Data Engineers are also related to Big Data Engineers, who are professionals with the knowledge of the architecture needed to implement data models in Big Data environments. There are also hybrid profiles, a mixture both, the Data Scientists and Big Data Engineers. Data Engineers professionals use technologies like Hadoop, MapReduce, Hive, Spark, Redis, ElasticSearch, Solr, Kafka, etc.

7) Software Engineer: We classify under this role/category all job offers that don’t have their own category. This category can fit a CTO (Chief Technology Officer), an Engineer specialized in computer vision techniques, a game developer in C++, an artificial intelligence developer, a systems architect, technical product owners, etc.

8) UI/UX Designer: Two roles unified in one category. He/she is a Graphic Interface designer (UI – User Interface), which also knows and researches on how such interface will be used  (UX – User Experience). They use graphic designs and sketching tools like Photoshop, Illustrator, Fireworks and Sketch.

9) Quality Assurance: Also known as QA. This profile is specialized in the testing of applications. We can include Game Testers in this field too. They use tools such as Selenium, Capybara and Cucumber among others.

These are the 9 roles or categories available nowadays in the market for software engineers. Nevertheless, new categories will certainly emerge taking relevance, as well as others will be forgotten. In any case, we hope that you can now better explore the multitude of job offers that are waiting for you.

In which category do you fit?

Good luck with your job chase. Last job offers at http://www.jobsbcn.com/jobs_list.htm

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