R&D Engineer − C/C++, Linux en Barcelona


Lugar de trabajo
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Descripción de la oferta

Zhilabs is to incorporate a highly skilled developer, proficient in the following areas:

  • C/C++ Linux system programming. Awareness of Linux kernel and high performance IPC mechanisms strongly recommended.
  • Proven experience in multi-core/many-core platforms programming
  • Wide knowledge of debugging tools.
  • Deep knowledge of machine-learning algorithms for a variety of application domains: automatic text classification, recommendation systems, clustering, etc. Experience in map-reduce platforms greatly appreciated.

The candidate should preferably have at least 3-year experience in Computer Science, Telecommunications Engineering or equivalent work experience. A PhD in machine-learning would be strongly valued.

Skills in dynamic languages like Python and experience in Java server/client development would be valued.


Acerca de Zhilabs

  • Big Data

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