
Privately Held
Barcelona, Spain
Trovit is the leading search engine for classified ads in Europe and Latin America.
Trovit will help you find the most interesting ads published in thousands of classifieds websites, saving you the time it would take you to surf all those pages. To make it even easier, you can set up your own personalized alerts for your searches and Trovit will alert you when there is a new ad that might interest you.
For classified sites (ie, real estate portals or job boards), Trovit is a great source of qualified traffic. Users see a snippet of your ad on Trovit and if they’re interested in it they are sent directly to the ad’s page on your website. Integrate your content in our search engine and you will start receiving qualified traffic in just a few hours.
Trovit is present in more than 40 countries.
Trovit will help you find the most interesting ads published in thousands of classifieds websites, saving you the time it would take you to surf all those pages. To make it even easier, you can set up your own personalized alerts for your searches and Trovit will alert you when there is a new ad that might interest you.
For classified sites (ie, real estate portals or job boards), Trovit is a great source of qualified traffic. Users see a snippet of your ad on Trovit and if they’re interested in it they are sent directly to the ad’s page on your website. Integrate your content in our search engine and you will start receiving qualified traffic in just a few hours.
Trovit is present in more than 40 countries.
Tech Stack
Google Adwords
Trovit job offers
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