Symfony Barcelona Event was a success

September 23, 2015 Marc

This week a huge DrupalCon conference is taking place in Barcelona. From Monday to Friday.

It’s one of those events more known outside our borders than in the city itself. But the fact is that DrupalCon brings together thousands of people from across the globe who use, develop, design, and support the Drupal platform.

This conference is so big that it also gathers other related events around like the Symfony Barcelona Event which took place yesterday night. This is not surprising, since Drupal8 is build using some Symfony components.

Symfony loves drupal8

So, the Symfony event was a complete success if we look at attendance numbers since the AXA auditorium was packed. The first speech was done by the promoter of this event, Marc Morera (@mmoreram), who welcomed everyone and introduced Elcodi platform v1.0.0.  Afterwards, two keynotes where given.


Marc Morera Symfony Barcelona Event


The first keynote was by Lukas Kahwe ( ) and it was about the state of REST APIs in the Symfony world. You can check his slides since they are online.


Lukas Kahwe - Symfony Barcelona Event


The second keynote was by the creator of the Symfony framework himself: Fabien Potencier (@fabpot). The talk was about perfomance and how profiling helps you to understand how your PHP apps actually behave. He introduced Blackfire Profiler and demoed it by profiling the website. He explained how it works and how you can even use it to do performance checks in continous integration before deployments.  Blackfire will soon support Python, Ruby and JavaScript, so this is good news for the rest of us.


Fabien Potencier - Symfony Barcelona Event


I had to follow the event from home in Twitter, but taking in account the comments I’ve seen I think we must congratulate Marc Morera.

Congratulations Marc and the event managers for the help in putting Barcelona on the map.


(Video added on Oct 8th 2015)


JobsBCN features all startup jobs in Barcelona city:

Check out the Symfony offers and the Drupal offers


Picture credits to: @corretge@liopic y