Photo by Anna Loverus
Vacations are the best thing ever. Oh dear! Sun, piña coladas, beach waves or exploring a new city – there’s no question having free time from work is simply delightful. But, as with everything in life it always comes to an end.
As Elbert Hubbard said: “No man needs a vacation so much as the man who has just had one.” I know going back to work after your free time is stressful but I am here today to give you hope. It’s not that bad. Cheer up! It’s time to shake off the sand and get over the holiday blues.
Follow these steps and you’ll find it feels good to be back on track!
1. Plan your return
This one could go on a “before you go on vacation” post but I think it also applies here. You probably spent a few hours planning your vacation, so it seems reasonable to dedicate some minutes to plan the come back. Make sure all is taken care of before your return –nothing is more stressful than coming back to work and find everything is a mess.
2. Readapt your sleeping and mealtimes to your working schedule
Are you jet-lagged? Did you get used to wake up at noon and have lunch at 5? Arrange some time to get your body to re-adapt to your working schedule. A day or two before coming back, try to wake up a little bit earlier and start to have meals at normal times. Also, remember that it’s always a good idea to come back home from a trip on Saturday instead of Sunday –give yourself at least a day to rest from holidays!
3. Spend some time talking with your coworkers about how things went during your absence
Yes, we may not miss working but we miss our coworkers! Try to connect with them before returning and find out what they’re up to. That will help your mind adjust to your imminent return. It’s always good to connect, listen to their stories and catch up on the latest office gossip or cool news.
4. Take it easy. Use the first day at work to organize yourself
Although it may be hard to believe, the company has survived your period of absence –and it will still be there tomorrow. Don’t stress. If something seems urgent, ask yourself if it’s really that urgent. Dedicate your first hours at the office to organise yourself: Recall pending issues, make a to-do list and schedule your work for the next days or weeks. Remember: not everything must be done the day after your vacation.
5. Go through your incoming mailbox and delete everything that is not really important
Oh that dreaded inbox! Nobody likes a full inbox after vacation but I have a tip for you: When my inbox is full, I prioritize the responses by sorting my mail. You can sort your mail by person, project, date or respond from more complicated to less complicated or vice versa. Don’t stress!
7. Engage in new projects
Nothing is more depressing than coming back from holidays and continue with your routine like you never went away. Stimulate your brain by engaging in a new project. If there are no new projects on sight, give yourself new challenges and establish your own new objectives.
8. Get an awesome job
Finally, the best way to avoid holidays blues is to have a job you love, with cool co-workers, a nice boss and a great atmosphere. Confucius said “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” If you’re still looking for that, maybe you’d want to take a look at these open roles we have listed.